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Wake Camp Essentials

You've booked, you've paid, your OOO has been scheduled for over a month and with the camp start date now only a few weeks away you should probably consider starting to pack. Or at least getting the essentials ready. We get asked a lot about what you'll need over the week, and the truth is, not an awful lot. When you park-hop around the world as much as we do, you know the importance of travelling light. And after years of spending so much of the season living out of a suitcase, we've learned that there's a load of things you really don't need, but a few of them you definitely do.

So when it comes to talking wake camp essentials, we're pretty confident we've got you.


Look, we never said this list would be groundbreaking in its content. But in reality, kit may not necessarily be your first thought when prepping for a camp. If you're a newer rider, you may still be using a board from the local place you ride, or renting your impact vest and helmet while still looking for the style you want or — and we definitely advocate doing this — waiting for it to go on sale. You might have it all, but not be in a position to pay to bring it with you. Travelling with kit is another expense on top of camp fees, accommodation and flights, and if you're not yet practically a human extension of your set, you might simply feel it's not worth the cost.

And that's ok: you CAN come to camp without kit.

Every park will have stuff you can hire, it just won't necessarily be able to offer much — or even any — choice. We always recommend contacting the park in advance to see what models and sizes they have for you to use - on occasion some of the bigger host parks will have some pretty new models through a partnership, recent demo show or pro-rider donation, so it can sometimes be a great way to try out a new board and/or bindings for more than a couple of laps. One thing we will say is that vests are pretty basic wherever you go, and as it's important these fit properly then if you can, it's worth investing in your own.

If you've got the means to splash out there are some sick designs that offer top-notch high-impact defense (predictable but justifiable shout out to the Mystic Peacock Vest), but it needn't be a huge expense - you can usually bag yourself a bargain on watersports outlets, in last-season styles and (increasingly frequent) flash sales, plus the pre-loved/resale sites — think Vinted, eBay, Facebook marketplace and the like — often have some amazing deals on barely used — even brand new — gear (we've found them to be particularly good for kit bags). In our experience it's also always a good shout to hit up your rider network in case anyone's looking to sell/trade (even donate: a very different — arguably more desirable — 'friends with benefits' scenario) stuff they've bought but aren't vibing with or no longer need.

Which is decent advice even if you've not got a camp coming up. You're welcome.


Considering a pre-camp upgrade?

With full-stance grab rails, controlled tip-to-tail flex and continuous rocker, the Bloodline is fast to ride, soft — yet solid — to land and the thinner, Stumpf-styled 'shape for the ages' makes our 2025 signature Bloodline super easy on the body.

And what better time to baptise a new board than on a progression camp with the first people ever to ride it?


SPF & UV Wear

It'll be hot. You'll be on the water. Hot + Sun + Wet = Burnier hot and sun. Look, we're pro wakeboarders, not scientists, but we've seen enough blistered faces and bacon-looking backs to know that the combination without protection isn't pretty. If you run out or forget it's in your hand luggage and get stripped of it at airport security then most parks will sell some sort of SPF, but if you think it's pricy in Boots then you might want to try to avoid that eventuality because you certainly can't redeem your points at reception.

A hat


Camp sleeping set up is usually shared accommodation, and while we're not suggesting your roommate for the week will snore/whistle every time they exhale/have a penchant for full-volume thrash metal/flush the toilet every five minutes/sing in their sleep/set 54 alarms at 15-minute intervals from the first sign of sunrise only to snooze them all, get up at 8.15 and tell you how well they slept , it's reasonably likely that you won't share the exact same am-to-pm waking schedule. The likelihood is that you won't need them (and if you recognised yourself in any of the above then the good news is that you've got a bit of time to turn it around. Especially the multiple alarm stuff. STOP THAT), but it never hurts to pack a couple of pairs just in case.

Muscle Rub/Tiger Balm/[Insert Preference Here]

See also, a basic first aid kit. It just makes sense.

Kinesiology Tape

If you know, you know. And if you don't, your life is about to be changed because this stuff is a GAMECHANGER. Whether you use it to strap up a sprain, support weaker muscles and joints, improve your range of movement or keep water from getting to a wound, K-tape offers maximum benefit at a minimal price. And some of the designs you can get it in now are absolutely SICK.


There's a reason airports sell them for the same price as the eye-wateringly expensive coffee at the boarding lounge Starbucks. Buy them cheap in the real world and be glad — hell, be smug — you did. Don't be the one having to choose between caffeine and connectivity. Especially if you've told your boss you're just "working from home".

Mosquito Repellent

Water + Warm = Bitey. We might not be mathematicians either, but this one is 100% correct.

Ok so admittedly it's not 'essential', but if you have one, bring it. New park (probably), new features (quite possibly), new tricks (most definitely): you want to be recording that stuff.

There'll be daily video analysis of your riding: where your stance needs a tweek, why your handle pass isn't working, when you should be BENDING YOUR KNEES! If you've also got your eye line on film to cross-check, you'll be sending those tricks perfectly in no time.

Local Currency

While the parks will take card, we might just give you the odd offsite opportunity to let your hair down. And even if you choose to keep it up, it never hurts to have the odd bit of local currency to hand for the taxi fare. Not to mention a kebab for the ride home...


More a suggestion than anything (and K-tape's superhero properties mean it'll do the job too), but if you don't get to the end of the week needing something to cover your blisters, we'll be asking questions.

Goals & a Can-Do Attitude

What do you want to get out of the week? What do you want to try? What do you want to improve? What do you want to come away from the week having finally NAILED? Bring your goals - however crazy you might think they are. We've seen some SERIOUS progression in the past. Bring your biggest ambitions and be ready to back yourself.

This is your camp. Make the most of it.


We don't care which provider you go with, who underwrites it, whether you opt for an annual or single trip policy, bag yourself a bit of cash back by going through a marketplace or end up with a cuddly toy for the kids by booking it through a comparison site. We only care that you get it, and that it covers you — and your kit — adequately.

Necessary nag over, let's get ready to ride!

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