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Open your eyes! Land your tricks easier with this tip!

One of the most important yet least understood techniques in wakeboarding is the art of "spotting the landing". This technique is a real game changer when it comes to landing bigger tricks, and understanding it can really help you to feel more in control, and understand where you are in the air a lot more.

Now before you read on any further, let's do a little exercise to show what we mean. Assuming you are sat down whilst reading this, please stand up on whatever you are sat on, close your eyes and jump to the ground.

Now chances are, if you really had your eyes closed it probably would've been far more difficult to jump than if you had your eyes open right?

So why would it be any different when you are wakeboarding?!

Frequently when coaching we will ask the question "Where were you looking?" the answer will come back as "I had my eyes closed" or "I'm not sure". This in itself is a clear diagnosis as to one huge problem. Before we get started on HOW to spot the landing we first need to understand why it is so important.

By actively looking at where we are going to land "a reference point" means that the body is able to quickly and efficiently react to whatever situation your body might find yourself in. In wakeboarding you have to be able to react quickly and being able to quickly and reliably find a reference point to look at will massively increase the chances of landing whatever it is you are trying. A common mistake that we find people doing is "floating through space". This is where the head is not actively turning trying to look for the reference point. Essentially, if you find yourself looking backwards (when spinning) or at your toes (when flipping) or focusing your vision on anything apart from your reference point you are going to have a hard time landing your trick.

"So what am I supposed to look at?". This is the million dollar question! Now for us we like to focus our vision a few metres ahead of us.

Now please bear in mind you want to minimise the amount of time spent not looking at your reference point. This means spotting both on the way up & down! This has so many benefits! It can speed up rotations, give you a deeper understanding of the trick and also will increase the chances of landing it tremendously!

Whether it is spinning or flipping you need to really make sure that you are watching the landing as much as you can and you will definitely feel and see the difference!

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This is our first ever "Tricks & Tips" article and we would love to hear some feedback on it! Please leave a comment below on how we could improve, or any other topics you would like to learn about!

The Peacock Brothers!

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1 Comment

Graham Knoten
Oct 10, 2022

Yall give great riding advice and having a reference point really does help. I first used this on a front 3. The one problem is when you first try a trick sometimes you are so focused on completing it that you feel like you do not have time to look around.

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